Climate change 2024.06.13 Climate change and plant growth on the Tibetan Plateau Global warming over the last three decades has significantly altered patterns of plant growth on th…
Science editors in Danish news 2023.11.15 The importance of science editors in Danish news We find it relevant to recognize what we consider important for how our science has been…
PHD DEFENSE 2023.11.03 PhD defense Lena Hermesdorf On Monday 2 October: Lena Hermesdorf defended her thesis, entitled “Climate change effects on the…
PHD DEFENSE 2023.11.03 PhD defense Sebastian Zastruzny On Thursday 26th October, CENPERM has celebrated the PhD defense by Sebastian Zastruzny. His thesis…
Greenhouse gas 2022.08.04 Wildfires affect the greenhouse gas balance of tundra heath ecosystem New CENPERM study on impact of wildfires published in Global Change Biology