About Center for Permafrost

Center for Permafrost (CENPERM) staff 2021.
Center for Permafrost (CENPERM) staff 2021.

The core funding for CENPERM comes from a ten year (a first stage of six years and a second stage of four years) Center of Excellence grant from the Danish National Research Foundation. 

CENPERM will continue until 2029 and mainly be active on Disko Island, West Greenland.


Project management is a critical component of Center for Permafrost (CENPERM), due to its large size, multi-disciplinary character and integrative approach. We have implemented a series of practical steps be implemented to optimize interactions within the project consortium.

The management of CENPERM is partly an internal hierarchical management structure and partly a more matrix-like management structure with external components due to the importance of independent projects (e.g. PAGE21, DEFROST and INTERACT), the funding agency (DNRF), groups of public interest and the CENPERM advisory board.




Advisory Board

Once a year, the directional board meets with the four international members of our advisory board to ensure progress and seek advice on major decisions. The advisory board consists of Drs James M. Tiedje, Michigan State Univcersity, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ted (Edward) Schuur, University of Florida, and Paul Grogan, Queens University, Ontario. The board  provides a critical review of the science progress, guidelines for improvements and specific advices based on an annual report and our scientific publications.

Other projects and networks

The external components also include all collaborating persons, projects and networks. Coordination activities are aimed at enhancing communication, focussing scientific discussions, optimizing field work and synchronizing the iterative development of field validation data with model setup and parameterization.