New edition of The ice-free Greenland – from molecule to landscape
On 10 May, a new, revised edition of the book The ice-free Greenland is published. The book, written by Center for Permafrost’s leader Bo Elberling, highlights CENPERM’s research in the narrow band of ice-free land along the coast of Greenland.

In the first edition of the book, published in 2016, Bo Elberling shows that the ice-free part of Greenland is a landscape that is continuously changing: changes between the seasons in the Arctic area, but also changes in the landscape resulting from erosion or thawing permafrost. It highlights the geographical, biological and geological research that CENPERM researchers have done in all parts of Greenland.
The new edition has been extended with the research that has been done in CENPERM since the publication of the first edition. It contains new information on amongst others climate change threats to Greenland’s heritage, ice core research and tundra fires.
The book is published by Gyldendal (, is also available on the internet (, and has its own Twitter account (
Bo Elberling
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